
Another of the highlights of my trip to Athens, (a previous TFTD mentioned the Museum of Cycladic Art), was watching the ceremonial changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. The guards change every hour throughout the day, and stand absolutely still in between times, staring straight ahead.

Their dress and their high kicking march, with steel soled clog type shoes attracts large crowds of tourists, particularly at 11am on a Sunday as the whole platoon turns out and marches from their quarters to the Parliament Square.

I witnessed many people with cameras and phones recording the spectacle – indeed I have several photos and videos to remind myself of the event.

Just as the grenadier guards at Buckingham Palace have to stand absolutely still, staring straight ahead, so these young soldiers have to stare unblinking whilst cameras flash, and even some tourists attempt to copy their walk.

Part of the display involves the 2 soldiers who are changing with the previous 2 soldiers slow marching, and holding their leg up at 45 degrees and keeping it still for what seems like a very long time. They clearly have spent many hours perfecting the technique.

In our faith do we practice, do we “perfect” our technique? Are we able to stand rooted, on solid foundations? Are we able to withstand distractions?

Those soldiers were a credit to their army. Are we a credit to God as we travel through life?

The soldiers had comrades who would relieve them after an hour of standing stock still. Do we work together with others to bring God glory?

Prayer: Almighty God, help us to stand firm in our faith, and to avoid distractions that put us off our stride. May all we do bring you the glory you require. AMEN