Yehudi Menuhin

When he was only 13 years old, the violinist Yehudi Menuhin was invited to perform with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. With distinguished musicians in the audience listening to him, the youthful genius played some of the most difficult compositions by Beethoven, Bach and Brahms.

The response was so enthusiastic that the management called in the police in case the crowd got out of control. Albert Einstein, who had listened with utter delight to the prodigy, avoided the authorities by running across the stage to Yehudi’s dressing room. He embraced the surprised violinist and exclaimed, “Now I know there is a God in heaven.”

We read the Gospels and we exclaim with awe and adoration, “Now we know there is a God in heaven.”

If you’re my age you would remember when the Beatles came to fame and wherever they went they were met by thousands of screaming fans. Many policemen were needed to control the crowds. I must say that I was not in the crowd as I prefered another band.

Music is a gift from God and one to be treasured. We are thankful for composers and musicians who bring this gift to us.

When we listen to music we can appreciate that when Christ bridged the gap between the infinite God and finite man, music can help us feel close to our Lord and Saviour.