
I found this when I was goin back through some old files on my computer. This one probably goes back 20 years. You can tell that by the amount footballers are worth today.

How much do you think you’re worth?  Yesterday was the start of the new football season.  The fans turned out in their thousands to watch their team play and to applaud or criticise the players performance.  Many football players know exactly what they’re worth.  Ipswich Town have just made a new signing this week.  They think he’s worth £4M.  There’s talk that the transfer system might have to be changed, partly because of the colossal amounts of money that are being exchanged.  That would mean that David Beckham, at the moment estimated to be worth £40M, would only be worth around £3M.  I wonder how that would make him feel?

How much do you think you’re worth?

Several years ago someone worked out how much a human being is worth in terms of what their body contained, and they came up with a figure of £7.70! (yes – that’s a very long time ago and these days figures vary enormously!!) With inflation that could be £70.70, and it could rise a little if you have gold fillings in your teeth, but it’s still a lot different to £40M.  So are some people worth more than others?

If you watch the Antiques Roadshow you will soon gather that something is only worth anything if you know who made it, and even then it’s only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.

So how much are you worth?  The Bible tells us that God made us, each one unique, and it says that He loves us enough to send Jesus to die for us on the cross.  That’s how much we’re worth to him.  And when you think of it like that, you can’t put a price on it, which means that you and I are priceless. 

How much do you think He loves YOU?

The Good News is that He loves you just as much as He loves me – He doesn’t have any favourites – we’re all of equal value to Him.  When you look at Jesus stretched out on the cross you can see how much He loves you – THIS MUCH.  He gave His life for YOU. That’s how much you’re worth.


Lord, on those days when we feel useless, tired, unhappy, muddled, in pain, alone remind us again just how precious each one of us is to You. I am unique and priceless and you gave your life for me. Thank you. Help me to honour You in my life. Amen