Worship with Gladness

Psalm 100 v 1-2
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

An old Jewish legend says that after God created the world, He called the angels to Himself and asked them what they thought of it. One of them said, “The only thing lacking is the sound of praise to the Creator.” So, God created music, and it was heard in the whisper of the wind and in the song of the birds. He also gave man the gift of song. And throughout all the ages, music has blessed multitudes of people.

Music is one of those good things in life we take for granted. Yet it is a blessing from the Lord. It soothes troubled hearts and motivates us to live for Christ. And through it we lift our hearts in praise to the Lord.

When we join voices with fellow believers and lift our hearts in hymns of praise, we honour the Lord, edify our brothers and sisters in Christ and bring joy to our own lives.

As I’m writing this it’s so quiet this morning. The only sound I hear is the clock ticking in the background. Normally I can hear the music made by the waves crashing on the shingle but the sea is very calm today.

I remember watching Songs of Praise and it was the girls’ semi-final of the Chorister of the Year. The young girls taking part had the most amazing voices and it sent shivers up my back listening to them.

Our opportunities to sing aloud are somewhat lessened this year but we can still sing of our adoration and love of God in our hearts.