Below each week you will find a video service and a printed service produced by the Circuit. For other online services created by specific circuit churches, such as Capel, please check their church websites. Other service options are available too.

Christian Aid Service 2020

Rev. Joanna Jacobs and the Worship band based at Trinity Methodist Church in Felixstowe bring us a contemporary worship service based around the theme of Christian Aid week 2020. The service includes a short video and prayers written specifically for Christian Aid week. If you would like to donate to Christian Aid, the Felixstowe &…

Practising Godly Attitude- Worship Service

This online worship service with Sue King preaching will be livestreamed on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. The recording will be available afterwards with the service beginning around the 20 minute mark This is the third service in the series Being Church, Doing Life, Marks of Maturity.

“Jesus, the door”

Rev. Diane Smith brings us a short reflection titled “Jesus, the door” Based on John 10:9-16 “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved”and Revelation 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that…

Bold & Impulsive – Worship Service

This online worship service was led by Rev. Joan Pell. Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33 and 17:1-4. Hymns are from Singing the Faith, numbers 57, 558 and 560. We break bread together in this service, so to partake have a piece of bread and a glass of water to hand. Video and audio available and the written text for the sermon. This is the second sermon in a six-part series Tales of Peter’s Discipleship Journey.

Practising Perseverance – Worship Service

This online worship service led by Godfrey Miller will be livestreamed on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. The recording will be available afterwards. This is the second service in the series Being Church, Doing Life, Marks of Maturity.