Below each week you will find a Bite Sized Service (approx. 10 minutes each week), a recorded sermon (issued every Sunday) and a printed service produced by the Circuit. For other online services created by specific circuit churches, such as Capel, please check their church websites.
This online worship service is from Museum Street and it will be livestreamed today at 10.35 a.m. with the service starting at 10:45 a.m.
This week’s printed service was prepared by Rev. Derek Grimshaw.
Bite Sized Church returns this week with a reflection on John 21:15-`1 and we sing, This is my desire.
Rev. Jo Jacobs is the preacher for this online worship service.
This week’s printed service was prepared by Rev. Jo Jacobs.
Rev. Joan Pell is the preacher for this online worship service for Easter Day.
The Methodist Connexion have produced An Easter Celebration service with Rev. Sonja Hicks (President of the Conference) as the preacher. This is available in audio only.
This Easter online worship service is from Museum Street and it will be livestreamed today at 10.35 a.m. with the service starting at 10:45 a.m.
Rev. Joan Pell is the worship leader for this online worship service for Good Friday.
Our 10 minute, Bite Sized service reflects on Luke 24:1-8 and we sing Man of Sorrows