
The Thought for the Day is from Matthew 6 v 34.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own

There was a story about a paratrooper in the US Army who had made more than 50 successful jumps without a serious injury. But the first day back home after being discharged, he stumbled over a rug, fell against a table and broke four of his ribs! He had worried a great deal about his parachute jumps but then something happened he had never worried about: He tripped over a rug.

So why worry? Jesus said that it was futile to fret, for worrying can’t change anything (Matthew 6 v 27). We need to remember that our heavenly Father knows all about our situation and watches over us. He will take care of our needs no matter what tomorrow brings. Remember, worry never solved a single thing

Worry doesn’t improve the future it only ruins the present.

When I was a child my mother seemed to be worried all the time. It was never about herself but about her family. It was only when I became a mother myself that I finally understood why she felt that way.

I think it is a very human trait to worry but God tells us that we shouldn’t. Like a lot of things in our Christian life, it is very difficult not to worry. The pandemic caused so many people to worry about their loved ones, friends, neighbours and themselves.

Personally, I think it has been a time when we have remembered and thought more about others. Concern for others is a good thing and so many have shown that Godly love is for everyone.

Please pray for all aspects of the wellbeing of society that we would be enabled to flourish in our lives together.