World Day of Prayer

Today is the World Day of Prayer (formerly the Women’s World Day of Prayer). If you are able to attend a local World Day of Prayer service today – please do. However, it is possible to search for it on google and be part of the worship in your own home if you are unable to attend in person. It is a women led (but men are welcome) ecumenical movement. Each year it is organised by a different part of the world, so this year it has been prepared by women from the Cook Islands on the theme of ‘I made you wonderful.’ Themes for the next seven years have already been established, for example next year Nigeria has prepared ‘I will give you rest, come’. As you can see, services are prepared years in advance – Amazingly, last year’s was done by women in Palestine – very topical and relevant, showing that God had gone before in His omniscience before ever anyone realised what troubles would be there at that time.

It is a lovely feeling to be part of a worldwide movement and know that as we celebrate the service here, others will be repeating it in other regions of the globe – like a relay race!

The service includes songs and stories, prayers and praise, silence and symbolism but most of all through our diversity and differences we can all be united in our worship to the One True God.

Remember, God made you wonderful.  Kia Orana!