Within these walls enshrined

We were fortunate to be in York recently. With a morning to spare, we decided to walk around the City’s walls; it was an experience for the knees and calves but also for the imagination. For much of the time the ancient Minster is in view, sometimes nearby and sometimes far away. Iconic and solid, York Minister has stood through wars, floods, and diseases; it is history and is, itself, historic.

Within the city walls lie many generations of architecture while just outside the original protective curtain and within it are many examples of commercial, professional, industrial and academic life. Notionally safe, the Vale of York has always afforded protection but at times too, the river Ouse has flooded with devastating consequences for city life.

What a difference from the illustration of the mountain top cedar tree of today’s reading [Ezekiel 17:22-24]. The tiny twig was taken from a great tree and planted on a mountain top[ where it would be an attraction for birds of all kinds and dominant over all the trees of the forest. Humans find safety in valleys and behind walls while God plants in exposed places. Birds soar above human boundaries while mountains are visible beyond borders.

There are times in our lives when we need protection and to feel safe but then other times come when it is right to be visible and to stand out from the crowd.

A Prayer

God of the hills and valleys, of protection and prominence, keep us safe when we are vulnerable but strengthen us to stand out when it is right to do so. We pray for the sake of your Son whose exposure on the cross is the source of all our safety. Amen.