Winter Warmth

I’m writing this Thought for the Day on Thursday and I’m so looking forward to Friday. I’m going to London to meet my son, Richard who is returning to the UK for a month. He lives in Singapore, and apart from on Zoom, I haven’t seen him since July.

We are going to have some lunch together and then I’m going to bring one of his cases back to Felixstowe with me. He will be coming to Felixstowe later in the month. Richard is also very excited about coming home. He’s looking forward to seeing his family and friends and to a bit of colder weather for a change from the 30-35 degrees humid weather he has. There will be a rather large difference in temperature for him in London and a very important item which I’m taking to London for him is his winter coat.

We are very blessed that we have plenty of warm clothes and a warm house to live in. There are so many people who don’t. I watch the news every day and the war in the Middle East is destroying the lives and homes of so many.

I pray that there will be peace soon and that those of us who have plenty will share with those who have little, both here in our own country and far away.