“Wings like Eagles”

Golden Eagles, whilst in mid-flight, will suddenly began spiralling upward. With their powerful wings the great bird’s soar ever higher, dissolving into a tiny dot and then disappearing.

Their flight could remind you of Isaiah’s uplifting words: “Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles”(40v30-31).

Life’s heartbreaks and tragedies can put an end to our resilience, our endurance, our nerve, and bring us to our knees. But if we put our hope in the Lord and rely on Him, He renews our strength. The key to our endurance lies in the exchange of our limited resources for God’s unlimited strength. And it is ours for the asking.

One of the wildlife programmes which Drew and I have been watching recently featured a bit about Jackal cubs. They were wandering about outside their den while the parents were out hunting for food. The “teenage” cubs were supposed to be looking after the baby ones but they got tired and went to sleep. One adventurous cub wandered off into a very dangerous situation for it.

A huge eagle was watching it and eyeing it up for its next meal. I was practically shouting at the television to try to awaken the older cubs to get them to go and find the baby. I was sure that the cub was going to be killed but just in time something alerted the babysitters and they found the baby and brought it safely back to the den.

We could be those cubs and if we’re not careful the eagle (Satan) could attack us.
We need to depend on the Lord for our strength and protection.

Oh, what an exchange—God’s infinite strength for our finite weakness!