Will your anchor hold?

When Ray and I were married over 30 years ago I was introduced to Boys’ Brigade.  Ray was brought up at People’s Hall and was a member of the 2nd Ipswich Boys’ Brigade.  He progressed through the ranks, became an officer and gained the King’s Badge.  Two of his sons also were in the Brigade, Steven had the President’s Badge and Tim the Queen’s Badge.  A fine tradition and example and there is a great camaraderie among the present and past members of Brigades, which still exists in Ipswich today.

I was also introduced to their hymn (Stf 645):

            Will your anchor hold in the storms of life.

And the chorus is:

            We have an anchor that keeps the soul

            Steadfast and sure while the billow roll;

            Fastened to the rock which cannot more,

            Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love.

Hebrews 6:19 talks of the hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast and it is this text which inspired Priscilla Owens to write the words to this hymn.

It is a fine hymn with wonderful words and a very catchy tune to really sing lustily to which brings back memories to many “old” and “new” boys and their families.