Why choose God?

Today’s reading is Joshua 24:19-24

It may not be your experience but making choices can be difficult. The more indecisive we are, the longer we spend looking at arguments on both hands. ‘On the one hand this and on the other hand that’ goes the dilemma.

People who have found their way to faith in God may speak of discovering a sense of peace, or completeness that was not there before. Over the years I have heard many conversations on the other side. Why are people not interested in the Church; why do people not find God; why do people avoid Christianity and other religions? It seems to be the case that society s moving inexorably further from God.

In the reading today Joshuaa threw down the gauntlet to the Israelites. Their relationship with God ebbed and flowed as they grew closer and then further away, eschewed other gods and idols and then took up with them again. The challenge today: you are not able to serve the Lord, who wants commitment. The answer, ‘we will serve him’. The action required, ‘throw away your foreign gods’.

The gods and enticements of our time are not identical to those of Joshua’s day, but they are similar. We are tempted by short-termism on one hand, while on the other hand God offers immortality which settles the soul and gives peace within. Peace within does not fill the bank or take us to the beach, play football or buy the larger house – and we oscillate.

In Old Testament history, each time the people came back to God their fortunes improved, their future became more secure, and all was well until temptation dragged again. And so, to ourselves. We agonise over why our faith is unattractive and cannot find a satisfactory answer.

We need to ask a different question. Ask why; to the new Christian, ‘what brings you here’ and to the long-term faithful, ‘what keeps you here’. The answers may be surprising and attractive, certainly better than focusing on the problems we cannot solve.

The good things are the things God gives, freely. They are the stories of experience, not the empty promises of advertising enticements.

A Prayer

God, today I thank you for your presence in my life. When you are with me, when I feel your peace and know your guidance. I love you because you give me purpose and a sense of calm that is not measurable and which I have not earned. Thank you for your grace. Amen.