Who do you think you are ? God thinks you are amazing ! By Steve Mawston
Scripture Union, 1997 127 pages £1 ISBN 978 1 859 992 036

Specifically aimed at teenagers, this book not only deals with the many anxieties and worries of youngsters beginning to find their identity but successfully manages to relate identity to a living faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The author does so effectively, quite naturally, without pretence and without hectoring or badgering.
Steve Mawston clearly has a wealth of experience in talking and listening to teenagers. He speaks their language and empathizes meaningfully without condescending. He really has a great gift.
The students in the inner school where he works have a counsellor who is a committed Christian and knows his audience well. A first class communicator.
Even grown ups could benefit from the wisdom, insight and illustrations of this author on an issue of the day.