White-throat Warbler!

Psalm 104 v 24.
How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.

A tiny bird, the lesser white-throat warbler, summers in Germany and winters in Africa. As the days grow short, the adult birds head south, leaving their little ones behind. Several weeks later, the young fly across thousands of miles of unfamiliar land and sea to join their parents. How do they find a place totally unknown to them? Experiments have shown that they have an instinctive knowledge of longitude, latitude and an ability to tell the direction by the stars. God has given them a calendar, a clock and all the navigational data they need to fly thousands of uncharted miles to their parents’ side.

The evolutionist says that our amazing and complex world developed by chance. But is this easier to accept than to believe that God created this amazing warbler and thousands of other such creatures? To me, ascribing this to chance is absurd.

God’s wisdom is plainly observable in the works of His creation. His handiwork in nature speaks for His existence and power.

He is spiritually deaf who cannot hear the voice of God in nature.

The year after we moved to Felixstowe I was out for my daily walk. I had gone in the direction of the Viewpoint Cafe and the closer I got to the Fort the more people I saw with binoculars and cameras. They were all obviously looking for something.

Finally my curiosity got the better of me and I stopped and asked one gentleman what was happening. He told me that a certain bird from Russia was due to fly past on it’s way to Africa.

I find it truly amazing that these birds can find their way to a new land. When we are travelling to a place we have never been to we can use a map or the more modern Satnav.

In our daily lives we have God’s word to lead and guide us.