Which way to go?

On a recent cycle trip in France the plan was to cycle along a waymarked cycle route – the VeloMaritime, following the coast east from Morlaix. All was well until we got to a small fishing village where we turned off the main road onto a small minor road. The road then appeared to lead through a car park onto a rough track. This track then divided in two, seemingly opposite directions, both narrow, rutted and stony. We headed up the right hand track, but were unsure whether this was the correct route and so turned back to try the left hand track, more a footpath hugging the river estuary. Some morning walkers met us, and in our schoolgirl french we asked if they could give us the correct directions. Being walkers and not cyclists, they were not sure which was the correct route for us. Minutes later saw the green cycle route sign and confidently, if somewhat wobbly, pedalled up the rough and rutted route through woods, the first one we had tried, and then out into open fields before rejoining the road.

Sometimes in our faith we reach times and places where we are unsure of the path. People we ask may not have the answers for us, but if we look out there will always be a sign pointing us in the right direction – even if the way does look rough and rutted. We can have confidence in God that although it may seem difficult, his Way will bring us to where he wants us to be, and we will be rewarded with beautiful views.

Prayer: Thank you God that you mark the route out for us. Forgive us those times when we miss the sign giving us direction, and help us to put our trust in you, so that we may confidently follow your Way. AMEN