Where will you put your trust?

The story of Ruth in the Old Testament is so rich in meaning that thousands of sermons must have
found their inspiration from its words. Here are just some of the ideas to be found in this short love
story –

The love of Ruth for her mother-in-law provokes Ruth to say “Where you go, I will go
and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my
God.” Bear in mind that Ruth was a Moabitess, a foreigner, a gentile, speaking to a
Jewish lady. There’s unstinting loyalty for you !

The love of Boaz for Ruth that moved him to allow her to glean in his fields far more
than was allowed by the law. That’s generosity of spirit.

The love of Boaz for Ruth that led to their marriage, opening the way for them to be in
the line (Obed, Jesse, King David) that ultimately led to King Jesus. God was at work as
long ago as that to weave the tapestry that would bring a Saviour to the whole world.

Coincidence ? No way ! Providence ? Yeah !

With the amazing and beautiful story of Ruth in mind, can you put your trust in the providence of a
loving, caring God ?

If not, where will you put your trust ?