When ready…

At Easter when my son and his partner came to stay Jess brought me a couple of tomato plants. I have never grown tomatoes in my lifetime. I kept them indoors for a while and then transferred them to a large pot outside.

They grew into large plants but I had no idea that I was meant to take little bits off the branches until a friend told me what to do. I’m sure experienced gardeners are now thinking “Oh dear these poor plants might not do too well”.  

My tomatoes are growing really well and I’ve got a really good crop. I lost count after 40 and there are still lots of yellow flowers so more will hopefully materialise.

I have found it so engaging watching the flowers change to become the tiniest tomato to a decent sized one. I have faithfully watered and fed the plants and on windy days I do regular checks to ensure that they haven’t been damaged. The smell of the leaves is just fantastic and my husband and I are looking forward to eating the tomatoes when they are ready.

Just as the tomatoes need food and water in order to produce a good crop we need to be fed and watered regularly in our faith life in order for us to grow spiritually. When we are ready then we can spread the good news of God’s love to others.

Thank you, Lord, for all the crops and food with which you bless us.