What’s in a name?

As any parents reading this will know, it’s very difficult to choose names for children. I was reminded of this when the birth and name of Princess Eugenie’s second son was announced recently. One has to consider family names, appeasing both sides of the family, names that go with the surnames, if the initials spell anything untoward, infamous people with that name etc and, if you’re a teacher, it’s even worse because you don’t want to be reminded of a child in your class who had issues everytime you look into the cradle.

My second name is Ruth. I was named after both of my Grandmas. So I can’t possibly be ruthless. Allegedly, I’m the unruthless (or ‘friendly’ in some books of name meanings) Christ follower.  However, my sister, Sarah Joy, is a joyful princess! Born to be a Frozen star!!

However, being a Christ follower makes everyone a  Prince or Princess as they can claim  God, the King of kings, as their Father and having His Spirit within them makes them full of joy.

Jesus has many names in the Bible. Philippians 2:9 says God gave Him the name that is greater than any other name.  And yet many use it as a swear word.

‘And so, in honour of the name of Jesus all beings in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will fall on their knees, and all will openly proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’  Philippians 2: 10-11

What does the name of God’s Son mean to you?