What’s Going On?!?

Many years ago, I heard a Christian stating that “Video recorders were invented for the benefit of Christians who didn’t believe you should watch TV on a Sunday!”  Presumably, this would enable the Christian to watch a Sunday programme on another day without any sense of guilt.  I find the record facility helpful for a few “must-see” programmes so that should an unexpected visitor call, the TV can be turned off and full attention given to the caller. The programme is then available to watch later.

As I get older, I find my list of “one of my favourite Bible passages” getting longer, but one that is consistently near the top of my list is Mark 2 verses 1 to 12. Please take a few minutes to read it.

Whenever I read this passage, I try to imagine what my reaction would be if suddenly the flat roof of our extension was ripped up, regardless of whether or not we had visitors! But at least two main lessons are seen in these few verses. The first is that Jesus’ priority for the man was not physical but spiritual – the need for forgiveness of sin.  Secondly, the priority for the forgiven sinner is to demonstrate that sins have been forgiven by walking. Put another way, Matthew 7 verse 16, By their fruit, you will recognise them. A Christian friend once told me, “If you do not see any fruit, you have the right to ask, is that person a Christian?”

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the provision of forgiveness of sin, because of the completed work of your Son Jesus Christ. Please help me to demonstrate the reality of this is my life through my walk with you. AMEN