What would YOU do?

For most of my life, I have frequently heard preachers ask questions, without expecting an answer. More recently I have heard members of the congregation call out answers. Although I do not expect any answers the heading may make you think.

An elderly Christian motorist was travelling on unfamiliar roads and looking for a road needed to reach his destination. Approaching a major junction and looking for the fifth exit he inadvertently turned too soon but realised this the moment he saw the sign to a different destination. Probably being in the wrong lane didn’t help.

Immediately, he pulled onto the grass verge, so half the car was still on the road. Using his hazard lights, and watching the fast-moving traffic, he slowly reversed, ignoring a few hoots from passing vehicles, until the traffic eased, and he was able to move into the correct lane and find the right exit.

It was after he arrived home, that he watched a programme showing videos from car dashcams that had been submitted to the police with details of the resultant prosecutions.  At this stage, our elderly gentleman decided to pray.  However, knowing that he was wrong to reverse even a little way down the slip road, he wasn’t sure if he should pray that no one would report him and thus avoid any prosecution. In the end, in prayer, he acknowledged his mistake and asked God to help him deal with any consequences.

As Nathan said to another David (2 Samuel 12 verse 7) YOU are the man!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we know that you are willing to forgive our sins, but not necessarily avoid the consequences. Help us, we pray, to submit to your will and know your help in all circumstances. AMEN.