I once attended a course arranged by a national charity and it included this comment by one of the speakers. “There are two kinds of people in the world, those who talk and those who cannot wait for them to pause for breath so they can start!”  Somewhat tongue in cheek I suspect, but there is, of course, another kind – a listener. When I apologised to a good friend for talking so much, she replied, “No that is fine, I love listening”.

One of my favourite stories is in Luke 24 where Jesus poses the question, “What things?” As the person who was the “main character” in the events of the previous week, and knowing all about the past, present, and future, he graciously allowed this couple to unburden themselves before responding. I suspect I would have jumped in much sooner and given a totally inappropriate response.

I suppose we are familiar with the expression, “We have two ears and one mouth so we should listen twice as much as we talk”.  Attending a meeting some years ago, the chairman posed a question and, I thought, looked in my direction. I was just about to speak when a man sitting next to me responded. That was one of many occasions when I was so pleased to listen to this man who knew so much more about the situation, both from experience and Bible knowledge.

There are many instances, in the Gospels, where we have examples of Jesus listening before responding and if nothing else, it enabled the speakers to vent their concerns and frustrations and maybe in a better frame of mind to listen to Jesus’ response.

Today, we do not meet with Jesus as in Bible times, but I am challenged because of the many times I talk to Jesus but do not spend time listening for a response. Thankfully, I feel blessed as it seems that I do get responses through a subsequent Bible reading and accompanying notes and in church services. And sometimes, I believe God brings to mind something that is helpful and relevant.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that you know us so well, even before we speak. Please help us to be willing to listen and learn from you. AMEN