What is your best?

How do you choose cards for those you love? Do you go for the words or the picture?  Do you choose one that states the relationship you are to the recipient? Or do you pick the cheapest?

I was studying the birthday cards I received recently. Thankfully, none had age numbers on. It struck me that most were square (I’m sure years ago they would generally be rectangular!). A couple were quite wordy, several featured butterflies and flowers. When I came to open the card from my daughter, there was a handwritten warning on the envelope, ‘Frank chose this card’.

On opening it, I found a resplendent painting of ….the Red Arrows zooming through the sky trailing red, white and blue smoke, with a close up red plane in the foreground.  My grandson Frank is just three and is obsessed with anything  that has wheels or wings. To him, this was the best card he could find for Grandma ‘Bone’ (that’s another story!) especially as, with it being the week after the coronation, he had been told how special flypasts are. I felt like a Queen because in his mind he was offering me a flypast.

I am grateful to my daughter for not swapping his choice and letting him send me his own personal and rather unconventional message. He wanted to give me the best he could think of.

What’s the best you can offer to God to show Him how much you love Him?