Water, wind and fire

Water, wind and fire – all symbols of the Holy Spirit. All can be small and gentle – dew drops, baby’s breath, candle flames or enormous and devastating – tsunamis, hurricanes, forest fires. Powerful, out of control, scary.

Sometimes, I’m guilty of taking God for granted. Of wanting Him on my terms – a nice sanitised controlled God I can keep in a box and bring Him out for emergency use. This is especially true when I consider His Spirit.

Having taught Pentecost to year twos at primary school, I was aware that the idea of howling winds and tongues of flame could be quite scary. It must have been frightening for the disciples at the time, already traumatised by the killing and then the resurrection of their friend, not to mention the post death appearances they had witnessed and his ascension into heaven. They were waiting for Jesus to send ‘ A Comforter’ to them. They had no real idea what to expect.

Hearing the wind, smelling, feeling and seeing the flames, speaking in different languages – complete overload of the senses!!! There was no getting round this experience even if you had some kind of physical disability, you wouldn’t have been in that house at that time and missed the coming of the Holy Spirit. We pray for Him to come now – we call him ‘gentle’, we ask him to ‘breathe on us’ and bring peace. We sometimes forget His powerful potential. This is the Spirit that brooded on and separated the waters at creation, made an army by breathing onto dry bones, could hail down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Be careful what you pray for!   

When He comes, people are transformed from the inside out – evidenced at Pentecost as the disciples could unexpectedly speak new languages, enabling all to understand the good news. It’s the same God, it’s the same Spirit. Imagine what would happen if we were really open and welcoming to the Spirit this Pentecost.

Water of God, cleansing Spirit, wash and purify our hearts

Wind of God, dynamic Spirit, breathe and awaken us

Fire of God, volcanic Spirit, refine and burn within us

Come again to us and equip us to serve you, Amen