Waiting for Repairs

For what feels like years we have been waiting for repairs to be carried out to remake the footpath beside the river just along the road from our house. In very heavy rain a couple of Boxing Days ago, the erosion of soil, made worse by high water levels led to a partial collapse of some of the fence leading to pavement being cordoned off. The development to make an alternative route for pedestrians included temporary traffic lights controlling single file traffic. We got used to the semi-permanent irritation and delays to journey times.

Imagine the delight and excitement when recently a notice went up anticipating a week of complete closure while repairs were to be carried out. The job has been done now and it still feels almost too good to be true. No more traffic delays, no more risks of being run over by frustrated red-light jumpers and no further need of wellington boots in all but perfectly dry weather.

There are times when the story of the people of God feels like the saga of the temporary repairs. Continual regret at things that have happened and a patched up solution the constants risks and restrictions of having to constantly watch out for danger. It does not have to be like that; Jesus offers us a permanent solution. We are invited to trust him sufficiently to remove all the damage done to our foundations by the effects of past sins and let him build a new solid route through life having replaced our foundations with good stone topped with a fine smooth surface that is a pleasure to use.

I am reminded of Isaiah’s prophesy of levelling mountains and valleys and making the crooked straight and the rough places plain. In real life my experience is that when I keep sight of him progress is safer, cleaner and smoother than when I work out all my own solutions to problems.

A Prayer

Loving God, be my guide and security when the route I must take is bumpy and risky. Give me the Grace so to trust you that my feet do not stumble. Thank you for being beside me always. Amen.