Upside down?

In the past I was often involved with leading outdoor Songs of Praise and services on the beach along with talented musicians and we always included songs that spoke the name of Jesus.

The story is told of a Vicar was getting ready to speak in the open air and he noticed that everybody seemed to be gardening.  So, he took an empty flowerpot, and started to speak about gardening.  Then he said, ‘Without Jesus Christ your life is like this, empty, upside down, and dark.  Now look at this one.  It’s the right way up, it has a beautiful flower growing from it, and it gets its life from the sun.  The flower grows because the seed and the soil have come together.  God has the seed, you are the soil, and if you put the two together, a new life can grow in you.  God can put YOU the right way up and give you a new and beautiful life, a changed life which comes from His Son Jesus Christ.   Which pot are you like?  Would you like to change?”

I have often wondered how many people were influenced by that short but simple illustration. Jesus was so very good at using what the listeners could see around them, things that they understood.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that people’s lives can be changed by simple words and pictures that point to You. Help us to use the things that are around us that listeners can understand and never be afraid to speak your name – that so often is only used as a swear word. Help us to hold up and glorify your most precious name. Amen.