Update On My Tomatoes

A few months ago, I wrote about my first attempt at growing tomatoes. I fed and watered them and put in supports as necessary. Daily checks were carried out and I worried about them if it was very windy. I also counted them as I picked them to eat. The final total was 265/267. (I lost count once).

I’m still amazed at how many delicious tomatoes grew from 2 small plants. There were many different sizes and colours and at times I ate them like sweets. I lost one to a hungry caterpillar and a few near the end to some disease but all in all a very successful harvest was picked. Some of them were shared with friends with most of them eaten by myself and my husband. For weeks on end, I didn’t need to buy tomatoes at all. A friend told me how to dry some of them so that I have seeds for next year.

Just like my tomatoes, we all need the right conditions to grow and produce a harvest for Our Lord. Daily bible readings to nourish us and support from our friends are a great help. The right weather to ripen our faith and prayer to protect us in difficult times.

A prayer:     Thank you Father for sending a good harvest and for encouraging us to be generous farmers of faith and sharing with others. Amen