“Up Grandma!”

When I arrived to collect my granddaughter for Mothers and Toddlers this week, she was asleep in her buggy. Of course, as soon as we went into the hall, she woke up and had a happy afternoon playing, snacking and singing. However, when I put her back in the pushchair to take to school to meet her mum and siblings, I was met with the frown when she looks at me through her eyebrows and a pout. “Up Grandma!” she demanded.

Then I realised. As she had been asleep, the buggy was in the reclining position. Now she wanted it upright so that she could see better what was going on. Well, I fiddled and fiddled, twisted bits and turned dials and screws but couldn’t change the position. I just had to get to her Mum as soon as I could while she alternated between pouting a silent protest and repeating “UP, GRANDMA!” louder and louder as I walked her briskly to the school gates.

Of course, once we found Mummy and explained the predicament, it was resolved with one swift flick of the wrist and normality was restored and I was left wondering why I hadn’t been able to figure it out.

Sometimes we can be impatient when we are caught by surprise in the wrong place or position. No matter how long or loud we call out to those around us, even those who have been able to help in the past, nothing seems to change. For various reasons, our needs aren’t met at once. Even calling out in prayer to God, relief may not happen immediately. We can be sure though that God knows and is in control. Unlike my pathetic efforts, God always knows what to do and when to do it.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10