
On Tuesday a group of us who take part in Open the Book acted out the story of Eve being tempted and eating the forbidden fruit. God’s perfect world became imperfect. The moral of the story reinforced to the children one of their core values of Honesty and knowing the difference between doing bad and doing good.

When I had just got dressed in our “uniform” of navy trousers, polo shirt with our emblem and navy cardigan I noticed that I was wearing three different shades of navy. This made me think about all the different skin tones of the human race. We all have the same skin but it is made up with many different pigments. Our skin colour doesn’t matter to God. We are all his people and we should love and respect each other.

It’s impossible not to notice how many of the children obviously need special help but all of them listen attentively and enjoy taking part. They all look different but they are all children and they particularly enjoyed hissing at the serpent this week.

Thank You Lord for loving everyone regardless of their skin tone.