Unexpected warning

As some people may know, I enjoy cycling. However, on this particular day I was driving along one of the narrow country lanes around Elmsett. The road was single carriageway with lush green but rather overgrown hedges. As I came to a bend a lady approached in her car from the opposite direction. Having reversed back to a part of the lane that was slightly wider, the lady was able to come past me. She slowed and wound down her window.

“I don’t know which direction you are going, but just to let you know there are loads of cyclists up ahead. And, thank you for reversing.”

I have no idea who this lady was, but I was so grateful for her words. She spoke with kindness and in a friendly way.

Sometimes, warnings come from unexpected people/places, said out of love and concern.

I will never see that lady again, I’ve forgotten what she looked like or what car she was driving, yet that short encounter made me think of how God uses different people in simple ways.

God sends unexpected people into our lives, people we may only encounter for the briefest of times, but who speak words of wisdom to us.

I never did come across the cyclists; they were obviously going in a different direction to me!

Let us pray: Loving Father, there are times when you put people in our way to speak simple words of warning. Help us to receive those words with good grace. If it is Your will, then use us, in turn, and may we speak with gentleness, love and kindness. AMEN