
The truth of God is a wonderful asset to a Christian. Joni Tada likened the value of God’s truth to an experience in her childhood. She wrote, “At four, I was too young to have my own horse, and I’m not sure a horse fit for a four-year-old could have kept up with my father and sisters. So, when we went horseback riding, I sat behind my father on his big horse. With my tiny hands, I’d hang on to the back of his belt and away we’d go. I’d bounce up and down in the saddle, sliding this way and that, but as long as I had a strong hold on that belt, I knew I was safe.”

 God’s truth is like that belt. It’s strong and reassuring and we can hold on to it amid the turns and bumps of life. He is our all-loving, all-powerful God and He does not change. He will give us all the help we need.”

As I’m sitting writing this message it has just popped into my mind that I quoted some words of Joni Tada almost seven years ago. I was speaking at my sister’s funeral. She had suffered many trials in her life, including 3 different cancers and then secondaries from her first one, breast cancer. It was her faith in God that sustained her throughout. Let’s thank our Lord that if we hold on to His truth, He will be with us, providing a strong belt to keep us safe.