
There is something comforting and stabilising about an ancient Church. We are reminded often that the Church is not about buildings but people although that does not detract from the sense of permanence and calm that radiates from ancient stones.

Jude wrote his letter to tackle the problem of false teaching by those who would have us believe that being saved by Grace gives us a license to sin; to do anything we please without restraint. After all the thoughts I have shared over the last few weeks it is refreshing to arrive at the doxology which, like the old Norfolk church depicted above, stabilises those who come near it if they give themselves time to take in the surroundings.

“To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and for evermore! Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25).

The lives we lead are complicated. There are innumerable pressures on us. There are many opportunities to make bad choices but God knew that and so he sent us his only Son, the permanent, solid power of reliability to whom we can revert again and again when we worry about our direction. Like the old Churches, built to house worshippers in all the changing scenes of life, Jesus is there to settle us in all our moods and moments and get us back into rejoicing mode, relieved of sins and the danger of failure if we can bring ourselves to trust him more than we trust ourselves or that many teachers around us, with their own interpretations and different ways.

The last word, though, is not the confession of faith in Salvation through Jesus Christ but the ascription of Glory. Old churches and chapels have stories of worshipping people buried deep in their fabric. Stories of trust in God that are bigger than the trouble and joy of life. Glory, Majesty, Power, Authority; all are words we use to try to describe what God is and what God does, but none really can express the innermost thoughts of people who just want to worship and to be God’s adoring, trusting children.

A prayer

Lord Jesus, help me to live the feelings I cannot verbalise; to be the things I cannot say; to stand, irresolute against those who try to lead me elsewhere and away from you. To you, the only God, my Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and for evermore! Amen