Trinity Players

Trinity Players invite you to an evening of drama and music,
Thursday October 28 to Saturday 30 October inclusive.

Trinity Players is an amateur, Christian drama group, based at Trinity Methodist Church, Felixstowe.  Since 1992 they have raised over £14,700 and donated to fifteen  charities.

Their last play, Florence Nightingale by John Bowen, was performed in March 2020.
They are now celebrating more than 25 years, performing plays by authors such as
Dickens, Priestley, Chekov, Ibsen and Rattigan.

This year they focus on home grown talent to entertain and entrance you.

The programme features a rehearsed reading of a murder mystery play ‘Murder at St Magnus’ by local playwright, Mike Sherbourne , folk music from Felixstowe trio ‘In Tandem’ and monologues, including Alan Bennett’s  ‘A Chip in the Sugar’. 

The evening starts  at 7.30 pm at Trinity Methodist Church, Hamilton Road Felixstowe, IP11 7AN.

Tickets, Costing £8.00 per person , are available from Anne and Ian Clarke on 01394 285305 or 07869 029708. 

Our Charity this year is NHS Charities Together, the national charity caring for the NHS.