
Thought for the day – Thursday 9th July 2020

Some of you may have seen, around a year ago, a most wonderful programme on TV in which Dame Judi Dench expressed her love of trees and revealed that she often plants a tree in memory of a loved one.

Trees, protect the soil, absorb CO2 and provide habitats for a myriad assortment of wildlife.

Do you have a favourite childhood tree?

As a child I remember, we had a beautiful cherry tree in our garden and with rope and basket my brother and I would send the soft toys for a ride up and down its branches.

There are at least 150 references to trees in the Bible and the story of Salvation can be told using them as a back drop.  The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil in Eden; the wooden cross of Calvary and the Tree of Life in the Book of Revelation, with its ability to produce fruit continuously.

In Psalm 1, the life of faith is compared to that of a tree planted by streams of water, rooted deeply in God.

For me, my love of trees is an integral part of what it means to worship the Creator and so I am deeply moved by the Jewish festival of Tu b’Shevat, “The New Year for Trees”.  How wonderful to set time aside time to thank God for the gift of the tree.

As stewards of God’s creation, it is vital that we look after the trees we have and commit to planting more.

It is said that Brother Lawrence who wrote “The Practice of the Presence of God” was first drawn to faith, aged 18 on seeing, (really seeing) the beauty of a tree stripped bare in winter.

A prayer.

Creator God,
Thank you that we so see so much beauty and majesty in your creation.
Thank you for the gift of trees and all they can teach us.
Help us to be rooted and grounded in you.
By your Holy Spirit, enable us to bear much fruit for you.
Teach us we pray, good stewardship of the earth and all its resources.