
As I walked along the seashore, my eye was drawn to the side of a rockpool, where, just sticking out of the sand and seaweed, was the point of an unusual shell.  I stopped and picked it up.  It was covered with mud and bits of seaweed, but intact.  It was most unusual for this area.  Rounded at one end, pointed at the other.  I took it home and soaked it overnight.  In the morning it was beautifully clean and sparkling white.  I put it in the bucket with my other ‘treasures’ from the sea.

Jesus, I like to think of you looking for us in the same way.  Finding us one day, and seeing beyond the weaknesses and inadequacies the possibility of something beautiful and worthy.

I like to think of you gently picking us up, and caring for us.  Gradually making something of us which will make us worthy to be part of the treasure of your Kingdom.

I like to think that one day we will see you and you will say that you are glad that you found us.

Lord, we don’t see ourselves as treasure. Help us to see You as the most precious treasure we will ever find.  Amen