
In church this morning, after the monthly midweek Communion Service at Woodbridge Methodist Church, I noticed on the back table a number of potted tomato plants. For a donation you could take one home to plant in the garden. Then when I walked down to the town there were loads of tomato plants for sale and on the stall in front of the greengrocers there was a rich array of all kinds of tomatoes in so many different colours and varying shapes.

This really is the season for going to town on these, delicious, fruits and I love them.  Now I’m not a horticulturist and when I first attempted to grow my own they remained stubbornly green! Even now they sometimes fail to ripen if I don’t start early enough in the year. Then some wiseacre told me they would be excellent as chutney!

The other wonderful discovery I made is that even the unripened can be brought on by placing them with ripened ones. It some kind of chemical reaction that matures them. Apparently, it’s the emission of ethylene that does the trick.

So now when I feel a bit inadequate the green fruit reminds me that most things, and us, can be put to good use and find fulfilment. Equally, that process of ripening reminds me of what can  happen when we commit ourselves to sharing and meeting each other in the life of the church. The worship and the christian fellowship can assist the enriching process of growing in the faith. 

Happy gardening! Enjoy the fruits of your labours,

Gracious God, help us to know your loving, forgiving, acceptance in our lives. May we rejoice in your presence and in the friendships and fellowship we experience through the life of the Church. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.