I have been reading my Eddie Askew Book again and the thoughts there seem to always make me smile, but also seem to hit home!

Today it was about Eddie’s dog Millie.  By all accounts it is a small dog and they always seem to make the most noise.  Millie seems to be protective of her master and mistress and every morning runs outside to see if all is well.  One morning she was making a lot of noise and had found a fox in the garden and was running backwards and forwards to frighten it off.  The fox didn’t seem to know what to do.  However, Millie was very proud of herself for protecting everyone.

There are ways of defending ourselves and confrontation is not always the best way of dealing with anything.  We should always try to see things from the other person’s point of view and often that will help us find a new way round the problem.  After all, we may even find that they are right.

Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians chapter 4 verses 2:

“Be always humble, gentle and patient.  Show your love by being tolerant with one another.”

Let us all think on these things, which are not always easy, but with God’s help we pray we can be humble, gentle and patient.