
I went to a meeting at the weekend about Christians from different denominations and churches working together. It was an amazing experience and very challenging and encouraging to learn about other places in the country and the world where things are changing for the better because Christians are pooling their resources and helping each other towards specific targets and aims.

It reminded me of a verse in Amos (3:3) “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” and consider what was meant by being together. Yes, its about space and time. Agreeing where and when to meet up. Agreeing on where you are going and when you want to arrive. But it’s so much more than that. If a couple are “together”, they’re not just in the same space at the same time! They have formed something between them that’s a new thing and bigger than the two component parts and capable of different outcomes because of the merging. Both are still equal and can be independent – neither loses anything but both gain by this new fusion of minds, resources, skills and dreams.

It’s the same in all walks of life but with Christians the effects can be even greater because a double whammy of the Holy Spirit is in the mix too. Of course, as in any partnership, there will be differences. We feel comfortable worshipping in different ways, we may have to take a deep breath when we consider some deeply held beliefs and theologies about communion or baptism, but our similarities outweigh our differences. Jesus calls on His church to be One – it was that important to Him that He spent much of His last discourse with His disciples praying for this unity (John 17) and it struck a chord with them that after all the trauma of his arrest, trial and death, His followers remembered what He said word for word.

Togetherness implies unity, co-operation and conjunction: people or objects being in close association or co-ordinated effort. It doesn’t mean we lose our identity. It helps us to appreciate our diversity and celebrate our differences.


Before You went to Your death, Your last instructions to Your followers was that they should be One even as You are One with God. Help us to obey your command and work together with others to further Your Kingdom on Earth.
