Today is Good Friday – what’s so good about it?

Take a look at this quote from American Pastor Rev S. M. Lockridge, who first preached this 3 minute sermon some 50plus years ago –

Remember, “It’s only Friday… but Sunday’s coming!”

“It’s Friday… Jesus was nailed dead on a cross.

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!”

It’s Friday… Mary’s crying her eyes out ‘cause her Jesus is dead.

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday… The disciples are running around like sheep without a shepherd.

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday… Pilate’s strutting around washing his hands ‘cause he thinks he’s got all the power and victory.

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday… People are saying “as things have been so they shall be – you can’t change anything in this world.”

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday… Satan’s doing a jig saying, “I control the whole world.”

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday… The temple veil ripped from top to bottom -the earth shook- the rocks split and tombs opened. The centurion screamed in fear, “Truly, He is the Son of God!”

But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!

Those words are as relevant in today’s world as they were originally.

Think about Jesus nailed to a cross, Mary weeping, Pilate strutting, Apathetic onlookers, Satan dancing and then the veil ripped, the earth shaking and the realisation that Jesus is the Son of God, who has come to save us.

Then think of issues around the world – innocent people dying, mothers weeping, retreating soldiers leaving evidence of brutality in their wake, politicians divided in their response, and one man deluded in his ambitions.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you suffered and died for us. The veil was torn, the earth shook, the rocks tumbled and their eyes were opened. “Truly you are the Son of God”. The whole world lives in hope for a new Easter Sunday. AMEN