“Thy Glory be my aim”

This thought was first published in July 2020

What e’re I say or do
Thy glory be my aim

(Charles Wesley, H&P 793)

This excerpt from the hymn is on one of my tea towels.  I have quite a collection and have decided to use them rather than keep them in a drawer!

I attended many Methodist Conferences in my capacity as District Synod Secretary and this tea towel was from the 1995 Conference held in Bristol.

I have been mulling this text over during the week and have been wondering if this is my aim.  We all have different aims and usually these are of a secular nature.  Perhaps a place or person we have always wanted to visit and yet have not got round to it.  Or we have an aim to know more about using technology, to do more walking, sort out that cupboard or cupboards, etc.  But as Christians we should, like Charles Wesley be striving to do things which pleases God.

The next verse of the hymn says:

Thy name be praised on earth, on high,
Thy will by all be done.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if God’s will was done by all – there would be peace on earth; there would be no wars; and, as Jesus told us to do, we would all love our neighbours as ourselves.

Is it a pipe dream ……………. Or can we in our own small way help it to come true?