They comfort me

The thought for the Day is from Psalm 23 v 4.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,     they comfort me.

Author H.W.McLaughlin tells of visiting Israel and talking to an old shepherd. Thinking about Psalm 23, McLaughlin asked him how he used his staff to comfort and guide the sheep.

The elderly man said that in the daylight he always carried it across his shoulders so that the sheep could see it. Somehow this reassured them of his presence and protection. He further explained that if darkness overtook him before he had brought the sheep to a safe resting place for the night, or if they were caught in a heavy fog, he would walk slowly while tapping it on the ground. Although the sheep could not see the staff, they could hear the tapping and would follow the sound, knowing that their shepherd was just ahead.

God’s inspired Word is to the Christian what that staff was to those sheep, reassuring us of God’s presence, protection and provision by day and night. Sometimes we see His leading from scripture very clearly. At other times we must listen with special care to His Spirit.

You can trust where you are going when God is leading.

Drew and I like to watch Countryfile and we are constantly amazed by the working dogs as they guide the sheep to where the farmer wants them to go. These dogs are so intelligent and faithful to their master’s leading and the owners will always say that they could not look after the sheep without them.

Other dogs like our Misty are house pets. They bring love and companionship to us. It’s a well-known fact that dogs can lower your blood pressure and they often pick up the fact that you are feeling down and they can just be there for you, a paw or head on your knee as a reassurance that someone cares.

Other dogs are trained to pick up cancers, a lowering of blood sugar and other medical emergencies. Other dogs are trained as guide dogs.

I know that not all people are dog- lovers but for those of us who are, it can be the most traumatic time when we lose our faithful pooch.

Give thanks that we have a faithful Shepherd to lead us in our daily life. A Shepherd who will protect and reassure us in days of darkness and in days of light.