“There’s no room in the freezer!”

So, I took a look….  Some items must be there or they perish – ice lollies, ice cream etc. Others are there because we weren’t going to eat them straight away so it’s a holding place. Buying in bulk or taking advantage of offers means a surplus that needs to be accommodated. However, some things have been there for months and need to be culled. They are a waste of space.

My heart is like the freezer. There are essentials – God, family, friends, worship – that need to be there. Other things hobbies, holidays, studies that are nice to accommodate and make life happier. Then there is the trash that needs to be eliminated. Things that built up over time filling the space that could be taken by more worthwhile activities and thoughts – bad memories that fester, persistent self destructing habits, hidden nasty thoughts and words that I wouldn’t want to bring out into the open.

In my head I promise myself, ‘When I have a moment, I’ll sort out the freezer’ of course the moment never comes and the situation deteriorates further. The trash builds up and there’s less room for the good stuff.

Then I found this verse in Ecclesiastes (5:4)

“When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it” Whoops!  Better get on then and clean out the freezer and, more importantly, sort out my heart.

Heavenly Father,

Help me to clean out my heart. Show me how to treasure the good, pure and positive things. Guide me into interests and activities that honour You and further Your Kingdom. Stop me clinging to stuff I shouldn’t – bad habits, secret sins, things that I wouldn’t want exposed. So that I can make more room for You.   
