There will be stars

Over the next few weeks a group of us from Elmsett & Aldham Churches Together are starting to plan how we can reach out to the community during Advent. One idea that we are working on is Advent Stars. Twenty four families from the villages will place a star and a simple Advent message in their window on an allotted day of Advent, building up an Advent calendar. People are then invited/challenged to find the star for that day.

The East Anglia District is encouraging us to take part in the “January Light Mission” bringing hope and light to people in our communities in simple, creative and fun ways.

One of the things I love to do on a cold crisp winter evening, is stand outside and gaze up at the night sky.

It reminds me of the immenseness of God’s Creation, of the fact that there is so much beyond what we can see and understand. It also reminds me that we are covered in a blanket of love, by our loving Father.

There is a beautiful poem written by Paul Field called “There will be stars”. It starts with the lines

Watch the sky tonight                                                                                                                                                       there will be stars                                                              
there will always be stars

You can listen to the whole poem below :

Over Advent as we put our stars in our windows, let us think of Jesus who is our guiding star, and who will never fade.