The Tolpuddle Martyrs

The Methodist Church has a long history in responding to the needs of those suffering injustice. Much has been written about the early days of Methodism and its connection with the development of the Trade Union Movement. Fiona Taylor in her new book “The Sheltering Tree” takes up this theme once more. This book has received excellent reviews in the Methodist Recorder and elsewhere. The main reason for this is one of thorough research and accurate factual information. “The Sheltering Tree” is part fact and part fiction.

It has been written for a pre-teen audience but because Fiona has done an excellent job in once more bringing the story of the Tolpuddle Martyrs to life, this book can be enjoyed by any age group. It can be read in one sitting and I don’t think you will be disappointed.

This coming Sunday, 22nd November, will be “The Feast of Christ the King”. The set Gospel is Matthew 25; verses 31 – 45. This reading focuses on the need for social action and care.

Reading material like “The Sheltering Tree” is a good way of enhancing the message of this set Gospel reading.

A Prayer
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you ever call us to social action.
Thank you for the work of the Tolpuddle Martyrs.
Thank you for the work of “ALL WE CAN”.
Thank you for our brothers and sisters of All Faiths and none, who put the needs of others before their own.
Help us we pray, to be a blessing to our neighbours, especially those in most need.