The Suitcase

Recently at our Thursday evening Fellowship Meeting our topic for discussion was “The Suitcase.” Prior to this I, along with a huge number of people had watched on television the terrible events in Afghanistan where thousands of people had tried to get out of the country to escape the Taliban.

Most of the people in the long queues at the airport had a suitcase or bag with them. I’m sure these were filled with hastily grabbed possessions. I know that when I’m planning to travel somewhere I have whatever I’m taking all neatly laid out about two days beforehand. For these poor people there was no planning to take this outfit or that coat or some prized memento. They just have to get up and go.   

Our group came up with a list of what we would take if we had to get out of our house and flee our country, with very little warning. Items included a change of clothes, medications, photos, glasses, phones and a water bottle.   

What would you put in your suitcase?

A Prayer

God of love, whose compassion never fails, we bring before You the troubles and perils of people and nations—the refugees, the abused, the tortured and the starving. Lord, draw near to each, Amen.