The Story of 90 Years : Methodism in the Ipswich area 1909 – 1998
by Elizabeth Watthews and Janet Lumley
The Methodist Church – Ipswich Circuit, 2001 £2.99 68 pages ISBN 0 953 583 031
This book was written by Elizabeth Watthews, a local history librarian, and by Janet Lumley who contributed the section on Youth and Sunday School work. It is a sequel to ‘The Story of a Century…’
This latter work covered the period from 1808, the first appointment of a minister to the Ipswich Mission, then a part of the Colchester Circuit, until 1908.
The Story of 90 Years is thus a continuationof the history of Ipswich Methodism for the 20th century.
In 10 chapters, Elizabeth Watthews deals with the wars, preachers and preaching, work amongst women, social concerns while Janet Lumley covers Youth and Sunday School work.
A helpful bibliography is followed by appendices giving lists of churches and ministers for the relevant period.
An interesting and easy read for anyone wishing to discover how the Ipswich Circuit of the
Methodist Church came to be, in some measure, where it is today.