The Root and Fruit of Replacement Theology

The Root and Fruit of Replacement Theology by Derek White
Christian Friends of Israel, [2003]  with CD-ROM PowerPoint presentation   51 pages  out of print

This booklet is a summary of the historical development of  the idea that the church at Pentecost replaced Israel as God’s chosen people (replacement theology) coupled with the origin and growth of antisemitism.

The burden of the booklet is on the early history of the church and the views of many of the eminent early church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Augustine about the Jewish faith and practice of the time.

Significant is the split of the early Christians (who were mostly Jews) from the ongoing traditional Jewish community.

The ensuing antagonism led to a virtually complete rejection of the Jewish faith and tradition by the early Christians which included, of necessity as it seems, the status of the Jewish people as God’s chosen people, although this is not mentioned here at all.

One tragic consequence was the rise of antisemitism which has continued to this day.

This is a useful explanation of the history of the rupture between between first century Judaism and the early Christian church and its dire consequences.