The Repair Shop

In today’s consumerist society many will sooner replace an object that has succumbed to every day wear and tear, rather than repair it.  Not so the team we regularly see on the BBC’s wonderful programme The Repair Shop.  Not so Catharine Wright from Trinity Methodist.

In the photographs attached to this reflection, you can see how she has lovingly repaired her Teddy Bear and even knitted a new jumper for him!

For me The Repair Shop and Catherine’s work of restoration provides us with wonderful models reflecting Salvation history.

God has always been in the business of restoration.

During Advent as we light the candles week by week on our Advent Ring we are celebrating this work of restoration through the Matriarchs and Patriarchs, through the work of the prophets and in particular the work of John the Baptist.  Through the faithfulness of Joseph and Mary and through the faithfulness of all who show something of the light of God in their own lives.

The final candle of Advent the one that appropriately sits in the centre of everything is the Christ light.

Incarnation is multi-faceted but one vital layer is the work of Restoration.

Whenever I see the Repair Shop and whenever I see an item lovingly restored, I am reminded of many passages of scripture not least Revelation Chapter 21 verse 5…..        “Behold I make all things new”.

A Prayer.
Holy one, Creator, redeemer and sustainer.
We praise you for your great work of salvation.
We thank you that through faith in you we are born again.
Help us this Advent to meditate deeply upon your saving grace.
For eternal is your work of restoration and new every morning is your love.