The Prince of Egypt

The Prince of Egypt  dvd 1998  100 minutes  £6

This colourful, animated cartoon is based on the Exodus story of Moses and his people, slaves in Egypt, and their ultimate release from bondage.

The essential elements of the Biblical story are there but some poetic licence has been taken in order to ensure the even flow of the narrative as well as providing focus on the two main characters.

At heart, the story revolves around the relationship between Moses and Rameses as young men, friendly rivals at first, but as Moses learns of his relationship with his fellow religionists, the friendship with Rameses begins to dwindle, leading eventually to the confrontation with Rameses as Pharaoh – ‘Let my people go.’

The crossing of the Red Sea is the climax and finale of this well- presented picture.

Musical items are introduced, even in Hebrew, (perhaps with a view to the American market).

The film has a U certificate but there is a warning of mild, Biblical horror.

This is a worthwhile and interesting interpretation of a key OT story. Deserves to be watched as entertainment.