The Power of the Word …

The Power of the Word : the Bible is the most influential book of all time – and its story continues today…   compiled and edited by Luci Thomas and Patrick Wilson

Wycliffe Bible Translators, 2000  61 pages  ISBN 0 938 978 187

A small book with 28 short, snappy stories about the impact of God’s word on people in many different countries of the world. 

There is little doubt that the Holy Spirit uses the words of Holy Scripture to transform people’s lives as one of the means by which men and women, young and old, are brought face to face with the ever-present reality of sin and the ever-present reality of being saved through faith in Jesus.

Wycliffe Bible Translators is responsible for 75% of Bible translation work in the world today and these short glimpses of their work, show quite graphically and without emotion, the power of God’s word in changing lives.

This small book contains a mine of good illustrations, all worthy of use on Bible Sunday or any other time for that matter.